Bogovi se nam smejijo (6 stories)


Europe, Prometheus, Narcissus, Orpheus, Medusa, Icarus. Beautifully captured by Tanja Semion, the book cover designer of my new Slovenian book The Gods are Laughing at Us. The ancient Greeks already knew that human destiny was predetermined and inevitable. That the society of the gods, as capricious and quarrelsome as we are, their human prey, watches over its fulfillment. People always read their expressions quite clearly in moments of our greatest human happiness and unhappiness. Is there a sweet and forgiving divine smile on the faces of the gods? Is it an evil laughter? Do they make fun out of our misfortune? Or is all we recognize a gloomy silence, this most cruel and most characteristic form of divine laughter?


Published originally by Beletrina, Ljubljana, 2022

288 pages

ISBN: 978-961-284-863-7